How To Pay Pag Ibig Housing Loan In 7/11?

Living in your own home is one of the most exciting and fulfilling experiences that anyone can experience.

However, it isn’t always easy to be able to purchase a house without help from others or without taking out a loan.

One of the best places to turn to for assistance when you’re looking for funding is Pag-IBIG the Philippine Home Development Mutual Fund. It offers several housing loans that could assist with paying for your dream home.

But payments don’t have to feel like an overwhelming burden; using 7/11 outlets, there are quick and easy ways to pay off your housing loan with this credit system!

In today’s post, we’ll dive into how you can use 7/11 Philippines stores as a convenient way to pay off your Pag-IBIG Housing Loan no matter where you’re located!

how to pay pag ibig housing loan in 7/11

Paying a Pag-Ibig housing loan at your local 7/11 store is easy and convenient.

All you need to do is bring your valid ID, a recent copy of your housing loan billing statement, and the exact amount due on your next payment.

To complete the transaction, have the 7-11 cashier scan the barcode of the billing statement and enter the exact amount due for payment.

Once completed, you will receive an official receipt and can confirm the transaction online or by calling Pag-Ibig 24’s customer service hotline.

With this method of hassle-free payments, you can make sure that your housing loan stays current without having to wait in long lines at banks or pay through automated teller machines.

Yes, you can pay your Pag-IBIG Housing Loan at a 7-Eleven store by using the CLiQQ app or kiosk. To do this, you will need to download the CLiQQ app from the App Store or Google Play and create an account. Then, follow the steps outlined in my previous answer to pay your Pag-IBIG Housing Loan at a 7/11.


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